Saturday 28 May 2011

Day 3 - Lights, Camera, Action!

Another day, another blog, it's only our third day but already it feels like we've been away from home for ages!

It was a fun packed day as we visited Universal Studios and I won't beat about the bush.....we saw the Desperate Housewives set and it was soooo surreal and I was just a little excited! 

We got there about 9:30am this morning and raced straight to the Studio tour and it didn't let us down.

The courthouse from Back To The Future

We boarded a little tram train which took us on an hour long tour around it's working studios and film sets.  One minute we were in the wild west and then we'd turn a corner and be in 1940's New York.  We saw loads of sets/props such as the courthouse from Back to the Future (minus the famous clock!), a massive plane crash set from War of the Worlds and have I mentioned the Desperate Housewives set!!

Wisteria Lane
The train also took us through a couple of fun mini show demonstrations including an underground subway station that got flooded.  That tour was defo the highlight of the park for us but not to say we didn't enjoy the rest of the attractions such as the Jurassic park ride, the Mummy ride and shows such as Waterworld, Terminator and Shrek 4D were great fun:-)  I don't feel guilty for eating the giant pretzel and ice-cream as we must have walked miles...well at least three anyway!!

Lulu and new best mate Charlie
It's now midnight local time/8am for you and we've just come home from dinner.  When we got back from Universal we had a quick jacuzzi and change of clothes then out we went.  It was our two year wedding anniversary today and Oli booked a fab restaurant called Miceli's, it's just off Hollywood Boulevard and was the first Italian resturaunt to open in Hollywood, in 1949.  Pics of classic famous Hollywood stars don the walls of this cosy charming place.  The maitre d' (Charlie I liked to call him... cos that's his name) was the cutest little old man, he looked about 85 and his wig looked even older!  When I asked in my politest English if we could take some pics of the place he was delighted and told stories of how Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland used to have dinner there!

The food was delicious if not too big a portion (my pasta could have fed an Italian family of 8 and Oli only managed half the pizza - yes people that was a shock to me as well)!  Perhaps in hindsight we shouldn't have eaten the complementary bread rolls but they were served warm and it would have been rude not to!  My mate Charlie was delighted to know we are travelling for three months and I promised we would visit again on our return to LA - see ya in 3 months Charlie!

Four people today said they loved our accents, one teenager copied it in a Dick Van Dyke way, and I was prodded slightly too hard by an old woman in Miceli's who said I looked adorable in my onesie - good day all round!

Last day in LA tomorrow/by the time you read this (until we come back to fly home), we're gonna play it by ear but prob gonna head towards the beaches and fingers crossed we can get tickets for Glee!!!

Ciao for now....that is if anyone is reading this!!!


The Japanese tourists thought this was hilarious!

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