Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 1 - LAX - Zzzzzzz!

So the 11 hour flight to LA wasn't as bad as I was thinking, good old Virgin Atlantic with their individual TV screens on the backs of the seats with tonnes of films to watch on demand - almost conviced myself I was at Surrey Quays cinema!!  9 hours passed swiftly then with two hours to go a blood vessel burst unexpectedly in my nose and caused the poor air hostess 30 minutes of panic until the flow stopped!  It was gruesome people so I'll stop there but be assured my brand new white tracky bottoms didn't get a splash but my poor tshirt is prob stained for life!!

Been up now for 22 hours and it's only 8:20pm local time but 4:20am in England, making myself stay awake another couple of hours with the final of American Idol to keep us company and then hopefully beat off the jetlag!!

We picked up our hire car, I say car but it is one mother of a beast!!!  Oli chose the size and I chose the colour....sadly they didn't have pink but I went for the closest and got the shiney red one :-)  By the time we picked up the beast and found our way through LA rush hour traffic we got to the hotel at around 7pm, with a pleasant surprise that our room has been upgraded and we found ourselves with a jacuzzi next to the bedroom - it's almost as big as the beast!!!  We had a famous "In-and-Out" burger for dinner, it's basically a fast food joint but all the burgers are cooked individually like Ed's Diner - yummy!!  Glimpsed the Hollywood sign on the way to the hotel but we're looking forward to a full-on touristy day tomorrow of all the sights - we'll keep you posted!  :-)

J&O x

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