Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 40 - We're not in Kansas anymore!

What a hectic day it has been, so much to see in Washington we didn’t know quite where to start today!  We got the metro in, not too bad this time only 11 stops, map in hand we walked in the direction of the crowds.  We got to the mall, the start of all the monuments, lots of white tents covering the grassy areas in preparation for tomorrow’s 4th July celebrations. 

As nice as it is to see all the prep for tomorrow, and that’s why we chose to come to DC for the 4th, part of me wishes we could see the city as it really is without the extra fuss – talk about having my cake and eating it as well!

As it was sooo hot we decided to take shelter from the scorching sun and went in to the Museum of America History, it was free to get in and had 4 floors with different rooms containing a variety of exhibits ranging from automobiles to American wars to outfits of the First Ladies though the ages.  There were so many interesting things in there such as the 30ft by 34ft hand made American flag from 1812 which when flown during the British attack on Baltimore in 1814 and remained aloft after the Americans had won inspired Francis Scott Key to write a poem which would later become the Star Spangled Banner, the national anthem!  The flag is kept in a climate controlled room and you’re not allowed to take pictures….unbeknownst to me my hand held video camera was switched on and I accidentally filmed a bit of it!!!!

Other exhibits included Presidential history, history of civil rights – all very interesting but my favourite exhibit was America popular culture.  Not only was Kermit the frog and other muppets displayed in there, Michael Jackson’s famous black hat but also THE red ruby slippers Judy Garland wore as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz!!!!  

OMG I’m still in awe that I saw them…there’s no place like home eh?!  My little 5 year old niece loves the film just as much as I did when I was young (still do) and I even bought her a Dorothy dressing up costume complete with a Toto in a basket!  I took loads of photos but I wish she could have seen them….maybe not cos she would have wanted to try them on!

At lunch we got chatting to a family who gave us some good tips on what to do and also where to go to watch the parade and fireworks tomorrow.  On their suggestion, once we left the museum we headed to the Washington Monument (the big tall pillar with the point on the top).  

This is obviously v famous but I couldn’t help get excited that it’s featured in Forrest Gump when he’s giving his Army speech and Jenny runs to him through the massive pool!  As I turned around to look for the famous pool I was faced with a pile of dirt!!  

Where had this massive pool of water gone…I started to think Forrest Gump had computer CGIed it!  No course they didn’t, the reflecting pool as it’s know has sadly been drained as part of reconstruction works – NOOOOO I wanted to see it, oh pants never mind…there’s always Forrest Gump! 

There are sooooo many monuments/statues and memorials within about a 1 mile radius, they are all really well designed and meaningful.  You can spend hours in this district not only looking at all of the above but also all the museums most of which are free entry.  

We walked right down to the Lincoln memorial, this is a 20ft statue of Lincoln sitting in a chair, the statue is as impressive as the open structure it sits in.  

It’s very beautiful with its columns and dramatic steps to walk up to it, once there the view is also amazing.  You can see for miles and then looking towards the Washington Memorial and seeing all those other sights in view was like something out of a film (why oh why am I always thinking of Forrest Gump), the only thing missing from this perfect Kodak moment with the clear blue sky was the gleam from what should have been the reflecting poolL

Instead of going on a bus tour today we decided to do it on foot, my feet are now telling me we should have taken the bus!  We walked for miles but really enjoyed it.  The sun was shining, everyone seemed to be in good sprits….until it poured down with rain!  All day the sky had been blue and then around 6pm the sky turned black and there was an almighty crackle of thunder and then the heavens opened.  Literally hundreds of people we found ourselves without shelter and while at first groups of us huddled under trees we soon realised that the rain was falling too hard and we were all getting soaked anyway

With no choice we had to walk about a mile in the pouring rain, we couldn’t have got any wetter if we had jumped in a swimming pool head to toe!  Walking along the road with everyone else it didn’t seem to matter and was fun but then we soon realised that our day in Washington had been cut short as there was no way we could stay for dinner – we were too wet to even enter a restaurant let alone go to the restroom to try and dry off! 

With all the sights we’d seen today we decided to save “the best” to last – the White House but now with the rain and dark sky it was impossible to keep your eyes open for long enough as I kid you not rain was bouncing in and stinging them.  As we got nearer to it thunderbolts and lightning (very very frightening) were zig zagging from the sky to what looked like the floor.  With only one chance to get a pic of me in front of it Oli had to quickly take the camera out while hiding under my waistcoat!  With my mascara washed off and my onesie wet through and sticking to me whatever plans we had for the evening had to be forgotten and we had to just get on the metro and sadly go homeL 

I said to Oli what will people think of us on the Metro – shouldn’t have worried as the carriage we got on was something from One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, one man was talking to himself, one was itching himself way too vigorously, one person was singing and another was batting their hands as to whip imaginary flies away from his head – drenched as we were we looked the most sane people on there!!

Despite the rain at the end it had been a really good/v interesting/memorable day.  I’m looking forward to now watching US political films/TV and while I may not understand the plot I will recognise all the landmarks and not just the obvious ones!

Tomorrow is July 4th and as we saw from Washington today it’s gearing itself up for the celebrations.  We are planning on heading back in as we really want to be a part of it but will check the weather reports first!


Ps one of these days I will remember to bring out those waterproof hooded capes you gave us Susan!

1 comment:

  1. Re: capes. Aunty knows best!
    And I have complete box set of West Wing you can borrow! S x
