Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 44 - Blogging off!

Today has been a strange day, Oli was pulled over by police (nothing serious we were on a road RV’s not supposed to be on but he v understanding and gave us directions) and Oli got all quiet and thoughtful when we visited the hospital where he was born in New Jersey and his first home.  His thinking about “life” got us talking a lot and I don’t know how to break this to you but this will be my last blog – nothing like breaking it gently eh?!  Oli has asked me to stop writing it, after my what, why and a few words later he won me over with his argument.  We are halfway through our trip exactly and he says we have to really make the most of it, he said we should use every minute here to “be here” and not spend time writing about it – and there’s me thinking I was getting quicker at typing!

As much as I’ve loved typing the blog it does take up time…not so much typing it but then uploading all the pictures, resizing them etc so yeah it is time we could spend doing other things.  Oli also made a good point that every time we write it we are counting the days ‘til we’re back and as much as we miss our family and friends he says that as soon as he’s back at work he’ll be wishing he was here again!  Maybe we’ll write a blog every couple of weeks or so…or start up again after a rest - maybe this can be end of act one with a long intermission!!

We’ve had a great trip so far and had some great experiences, yeah we’ve had a few tiffs along the way but when you’re spending every single moment together in a limited amount of space you’re bound to argue (a continuous one is me criticising how stressy he gets when driving and he retorts with he’s the one doing all the driving in an RV ‘cos I can’t drive…fair point I guess)!

I couldn’t have done this trip without Oli (not just cos he literally does all the driving) so I think I owe it to him to stop blogging for a bit and talking about memories and just enjoy making more over the next 6 weeks!

Thanks to all of you who have taken time out of your day to read the blog and all the lovely comments were really appreciated.  I’m sure we’ll have lots of stories to tell when we’re back home as we still have loads of places to visit like Boston, Maine, Canada, Chicago, Mount Rushmore, Seattle, San Fran to name a few!  With all those in mind we better get a move on!

You've been a great audience, good night, god bless...and then I take my bow and exit the stage!

J&O blogging off! 

1 comment:

  1. Now what excuse do I have to be on the computer non-stop?

    Hope you'll write a post-voyage blog so I can re-live the rest of the trip. Love you both, Daddo. xxxxx
