Friday 1 July 2011

Day 38 - There's no finer diner!

Another day another state, we crossed the border from Virginia (where the first permanent English settlement was) to Maryland (didn't realise this was a state thought it was just a brand of cookies)!  We arrived here about 5:30pm with only one stop off for lunch - not that we were too hungry but how could we not follow the sign to the "Pink Cadillac Diner"?  The place was just as it said - a pink building with a real pink vintage Cadillac out front, the interior was fifties decor, a real find, and worth driving a few miles off the freeway for:-)

A tuna sandwich on rye later (and of course an ice cold root beer) we were back on the road.  The view for the first couple of hours was particularly pretty through Virginia, we passed cute towns with lovely little houses, farms, rolling hills and churches - could have been Little House on the Prairie but greener!

We have now set up camp in a place called Cherry Hill Park, the campsite will be our base for next 3-4 days.  It's about 12 miles to Washington but a shuttle bus from the campsite takes you to the metro which then takes you straight into the state capital. The camp site was recommended to us by a lady in Dollywood who used to live in Washington, really glad she suggested it as it's great!

Only got here a couple of hours ago but can't wait to test out its pool and Oli its mini golf!  We popped to the local super market to stock up on supplies, Mum you'd be proud of our fridge now!  We have a flatscreen and dvd player in the RV and was going to buy a dvd to watch when Oli spotted a dvd rental machine - only $1, yes $1 per night wow best thing ever!  Took advantage of Oli's excitement in discovering the machine and got "Just Go With It" with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler:-)   The checkout lady loved our accents and kept asking me to say certain stuff and mimicking me - she sounded like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins and said "Cheers" as we were leaving so loud that other people turned round!

Been looking through the guide books and there's lots to do here, we purposely wanted to be in Washington for July 4th celebrations but realise things may get busy/booked up.  Not too sure what the plan is for tomorrow yet, it's Saturday so don't know if it would be better to stay around the camp tomorrow, and visit the city the following day, and catch up on "normal"things like boring washing (did a wash few days ago and shrunk two pair of my fave jean shorts - got Oli to wear them in the RV to stretch them and it worked....some of my baggy vest tops are now crop tops though!) :)


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