Thursday 30 June 2011

Day 37 - The "bear" necessities!

After all the excitement yesterday we had a lovely restful night and a lie-in until 10am - a complete luxury and I relished every moment!  Once we were awake we set off from Asheville North Carolina, it's around an 8 hour drive to Washington DC and although we originally thought we'd drive the whole of this in a day we decided to take the longer scenic route.

Instead of driving on the boring interstate for we took the picturesque route of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

This is the national park service's most popular destination, even beating Yosemite and the Grand Canyon! The scenery is stunning, mountains and trees galore.  The only trouble with this route is not only is it a much longer route than the highway but there are soooo many spots to stop at - making it much much longer to drive!  

The first place we stopped off at was Mount Mitchell, it is the highest US mountain east of the Mississippi at 6,700 feet.  It was a little bit of a steep foot hike to get to the summit but well worth it.  Obviously took loads of pics being married to Mr Mitchell here and all...that reminds me it's been two years and really must get around to changing my name!!

We stopped for lunch in a restaurant on Mount Mitchell which had stunning views as it was so high up - it boasts that it's the highest restaurant in eastern America and who are we to argue with that!

Back on the tiny winding roads we headed north for a couple of hours, I had the camera out plus the video camera ready to snap away at any fab views when suddenly from nowhere a man was bending over in the hedge!  As we drove closer the man was wearing what looked like a fur coat!

Nearer still and about to drive past when he looked up - it wasn't a man at all it was a real life wild grizzly bear!!!  Oli and I couldn't believe our eyes, I shouted so excitedly "look it's a bear" - this was the point the bear turned to look at us (couldn't have possibly heard me through the glass even though I was v loud) then ran back into the bushes!  Wow Oli said, wow I said, wow again we both said!  We couldn't get over it, it was amazing just to see it, shame we didn't know what it was when we were further away as we could have slowed right down.  One camera and one videocamera on my lap but was too shocked to snap it - ah well that image of Mr grizzly looking at us will stick in my brain for a long long time:-)

A few miles down the road we were still taking about the bear, saw it for only a few seconds but is now our new favourite topic of conversation, there was a sign for a creek waterfall so we stopped to have a look.  Like a lot of these things along the way you have to park up and walk/light hike to them, we always enjoy stretching our legs and it's fun going through the woods.  Always comes down to footwear with me, maybe I shouldn't have brought all the flip flops and sandals and only one pair of pumps/trainers - these little white Primark sneakers are now stained and have holes in the sole from hiking over rocks and stones...well what do you expect from £4??  The falls weren't a high drop but were fast flowing through a dramatic rugged gorge in stunning surroundings.

We did manage to cross a border to another state today so we are now in Virginia, but by taking the scenic route and with all our stop offs we are still five hours away from Washington - but it's not always about the destination it's the journey getting there that makes memories too:-)

Back on the road tomorrow, lots of driving but then will hopefully be in Washington - can't wait to have tea with Obama!!!!


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