Sunday 12 June 2011

Day 19 - A load of waffle!

If I thought yesterday was seemingly uneventful with not much to blog about then today wins the award for absolutely nothing to declare!  I’ll keep it short today - I say short but I am partial to going off on tangents and waffling… ooh waffles! 

I couldn’t believe it when the alarm went off this morning, it was one of those nights when I didn’t think I’d slept at all and it was all I could do but hope for the sun to rise and put me out of my sleep deprivation misery.  This was by far the worst night’s sleep I’ve had since we landed in the US, this was the kind of night’s “sleep” I used to refer to as a “Sunday nights sleep” – you know when the knowledge of work is looming the next day and you’ve had such a fab weekend that the prospect of getting up at 7am is all you can think about, hence a “Sunday night’s sleep”!  I have no idea why I had such a bad night…the fact that the hotel was called a “Sleep Inn” makes me wonder if the name’s ironic – Sleep Inn, I couldn’t even get to sleep!!

We left Panama City Beach around 10am and headed towards Tampa.  We drove through Tallahassee, the state capital of Florida (my new fact for the day), and it probably took about 7 hours to drive including my 5 toilet breaks (seriously I could pee for England)!  Apart from crossing over a couple of pretty rivers the scenery was the same for the whole journey, freeway and trees – reminded me of the motorway in England on the way to Bluewater.  On the last few long drives I’ve took solace in plucking my leg hair but had to shave them yesterday so didn’t even have that enjoyment.  To say today was boring is harsh as I was with the love of my life all day….stuck in a car….for hours….without leg hair to pluck…it was slightly on the tedious side and I doubt we will even remember this day of our road trip in years to come….or even next week!

Oli and I nearly had a major meltdown, not with each other but with the fact that there was nowhere to have lunch.  We had skipped breakfast yet again so from 12:30 – 1:30 our eyes were peeled, looking for somewhere to have lunch.  Somewhere nice. It’s now 1:45 so drop the “nice” and just anywhere.  The problem is that the freeway services only ever have fast food burger joints and literally nothing else…except for waffles…ooh waffles!

Now don’t get me wrong I love a burger as much and the next person (Oli) but when you’re faced with nothing but burgers the only thing you don’t want IS a burger.  We thought we’d stick it out but by 2pm we were famished, by 3pm my jeans were physically loose and I was in danger of losing an ounce (still only McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Denny’s and Huddle House for choice in over 200 miles).  Some of these places do have other things on the menu like deep fried steak and roast beef in burgers or other meats soaked in cheese, but is it to much to ask for a lunch time light snack rather than full on dinners???

Okay rant over, with hardly any choice we drove off the freeway and settled for Ihop pancakes, not healthy in the slightest but won’t clog a major artery!

We arrived at our new destination of Tampa.  As we are a day ahead of where we thought we’d be by now we thought we’d take a slight detour and go to Busch Gardens, a safari theme park, tomorrow which is v exciting but more exciting is staying in a hotel for two full nights whoop whoop!   

I sound like an old fart I know but checking in and out of a hotel every night is quite tiring, we have two small travel suitcase (my Louis Vuitton and a bright pink one for Oli courtesy of my friend Susan which both fit in the hold of an airplane) and two pink medium ones, one with all my clothes and one with all Oli’s in.  Sometimes when we check into a hotel for just one night we only take the two small ones which have all the toiletries and essentials in like clean underwear, nightwear and spare t-shirts - in that way we don’t have to lug the two big ones in as well – clever eh!!

My friend Liz (hey Liz) wrote me a blog on Facebook today of her trip to see one of our mutual friends Kathy in Plymouth (hey Kathy), it was so nice to read someone else’s news rather than reading back over mine – anyone feel free to write me a blog anytime…about anything…including waffles!  Ps, Liz too many full stops and not enough exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!


Spiders 1, states visited so far 12, pancakes 2!

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