Friday 17 June 2011

Day 24 - What a drag!

After sleeping in the world's firmest bed (seriously, it doesn't dent when you lie on it!), we woke up raring to go - straight to the swimming pool, that is. A complimentary breakfast is provided by the pool where there's a chance to meet the other guests.

After breakfast we had a choice of sun loungers as there was no-one at all by the pool.  It felt like we were in a private villa and it was really nice to have the pool all to ourselves until 2pm.  

All good things must come to an end... In this instant it was when three brash Americans spaced themselves around the pool and then had their non-stop conversation across it.  They were only enjoying themselves to be fair, but as peaceful reading of a book was no longer viable we decided to go sightseeing instead for the afternoon.

Key West has one particular unique characteristic it’s the southern most point of continental USA, in layman terms it’s the furthest south you can get in the US!  

Also it has a Mile 0 marker on Highway 1 - we’re guessing it must mean that this is the very start of all the highways in all America – has to be a big deal cos there are t-shirts, mugs and magnets with it on everywhere here!

After our fun and games sightseeing we went back to our room to get showered and changed (the tiniest shower in the world, had to get out of it to shave my legs!).  We went for an early dinner at 6:30 in a place recommended to us by a young sales assistant we met yesterday.  He asked us if we were enjoying the Keys and we said yes of course plus the food here is amazing, hardly any burger joints at all.  Well this got him fired up, he was soooo passionate about food and started telling us about all his fave restaurants on the island.  After having a flash of inspiration he produced a catalogue from under the sales desk filled with restaurants and went through it page by page with his recommendations! 

Well thanks to his thorough animated conversation we decided to go to his personal favourite restaurant tonight called Mangia Mangia.  It was an Italian to rival any Italian I’ve ever been in, on his recommendation I chose the spinach tagliatelli then made up my own sauce and opted for Alfredo and asked for chicken as my meat and mushroom as my veg.  Oli went with a fab choice of one of the chef’s specials.  When our meal arrived my mouth watered as it looked so good, the waitress even said what a good combination I chose and it should feature on the menu! 

With full bellies we went for a walk after dinner (Friday is the official start of the weekend so dessert is acceptable but no way could we fit it in this time).  We ended up walking to what is known as the “Sunset Party” a popular place to watch the 8pm sunset.  

The place was called Mallory Square, a popular place at night where street performers and acts come out in droves, there are stalls selling trinkets and food/drink and everyone is enjoying themselves.  Not such a romantic occasion as there must have been about 400 people cramped together to catch a glimpse of the sun going down, still it was a nice experience with a fab atmosphere.

We walked back up the strip to a drag bar called Aqua, it was a rocking Friday night crowd in there, we sat ourselves at the bar and while Oli had a butch beer I ordered an apple martini complete with a cherry.  Three Martinis later I was in full swing, when one of the performers (seems rude to call them “drag queens” when they were more feminine and more well dressed than some of the girls in there) came near me and I put dollar bills down her bra with my teeth, Oli was in his element taking pictures!  

Out of all the performers my fave was a rather energetic curvaceous lady who danced the pants off anyone else in there, she gave Beyonce a run for her money performing to “All the Single Ladies” – the crowd and I went wild with delight!

Before we knew it it was time to stumble on home, I’m typing this now with a spinning head, don’t judge me it’s Friday after all!!!

Tomorrow we’ll… head hurts and I can’t think straight…probably best we have a little lie in and chill around the pool again in the morning - I hope those brash Americans aren’t around as I’ll definitely need headache tablets!!


Ps. Just getting ready for bed when a tiny lizard ran under our door and tried to make a break for it, Oli has promised me he captured it and put it safely back outside – at least 20 feet from our door like I asked him….sometimes I think he lies to me to keep me happy J

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