Monday 27 June 2011

Day 33 - Life is like a box of chocolates!

So strange not to wake up in a hotel room this morning - what’s it like to sleep in an RV I hear you cry??  Pretty comfortable actually!  The RV (Harvey/The Monster) supposedly sleeps up to 6 people – yeah maybe if two of them are dwarfs!  There is a queen bed at the back in the bedroom area, the double bed that overhangs the driver’s cabin and then the dining table also folds down into a bed – although you have to be pretty short to lie down in it.

From when I was born to about 11 my parents owned a caravan on the Isle of Sheppey where we spent all our holidays come rain or shine… or even snow!  I remember loving sleeping on the dinning table fold-down bed, sharing it with my older sister Keeley - she would tell me ghost stories, put her frozen feet on my back and awake me screaming during the night – not because I was having a bad dream but because she was trying to re-pierce my ears!  Ah what fun memories.  Joking apart I had some of the best times of my childhood down “the van” and am v excited to gain more memories on this trip – hopefully not the scary thunder and lightning thunderstorms where the rain sounds like its hammering on the caravan’s tin roof!

We didn’t make it to a campsite last night in the end, as it was getting late and we were tired after our first day driving with the RV, so we stopped off at a security-controlled rest area which was full of massive trucks, more RV’s and cars all parked for the night.  After sleeping on these not so comfortable beds for years I warned Oli that we may be in for a few uncomfortable nights sleeps here in the RV until our backs become accustomed to lying on “wood with a bit of padding”!

Getting into the permanent queen bed at the back of the RV last night, obviously the childhood enthusiasm for sleeping on a table bed has worn off, I braced myself for discomfort.  Lo and behold the mattress was, dare I say, it soft and comfortable, the guy at the rental place did say that the bed was comfy as the mattress moulds to your body shape but just thought sarcastically “oh yeah I bet it does” but it’s actually more comfortable than my bed at home – who would have thoughtJ 

After our quick stopover in Jacksonville we headed towards Savannah, which has been labelled by one newspaper the most beautiful city in America.

Picture Oli as Forrest Gump!
Apparently it was the first planned city in America, but more interestingly to me it’s where Forrest Gump sits on the bench to tell his tale to anyone who would listen to him.  With a box of chocolates in my hand I headed towards Chippewa Square and I was ready to sit on that famous bench and quote “My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."”  To my disappointment that particular bench is no longer there as it’s been put in an exhibition.  Oh well, nice to see the actual area anyway!

I had to tear myself away from the famous scene as Savannah has a lot more to offer, it is filled with lushly landscaped parks and gracious buildings with beautiful architecture.  

As well as the historic district it has a thriving waterfront entertainment district known as “River Street”.  We headed along River Street which was full of restaurants, raucous taverns and souvenir shops all situated upon a cobbled stone road.  

Water taxis were busy ferrying people along the river while the trams and horse-drawn trolleys carried tourists snapping away with their Kodaks at all the points of interest.  We opted to carry ourselves by foot as it’s nice to stretch our legs as we are always driving on the road.

Parking was a slight issue as this town is full of tiny grid-like roads, and navigating a 27-foot RV around was no easy feat.  We almost gave up hope of parking anywhere but luckily someone pointed us in the direction of the visitor’s center which has a car park with its own RV area!  The visitor’s center is a tourist attraction in itself – it boasts a chrome train carriage diner and its own historical museum.  We could easily have spent a whole afternoon just in there!

Although there were loads of places to eat along the riverfront, the menus seemed to cater mostly towards dinner options or quite big meals.  We were in the mood for something light so made our way slightly away from the river and while exploring we came across a funky café called Café 606.  

I don’t know how to even start to explain the interior of this place… it was like a drag queen was riding a cow with a tiara and stepped on a landmine of leopard-print, pink fluff and jewels, which exploded everywhere.  Even though the restaurant was inside, one table had a giant pink-fringed umbrella.  I had to restrain myself from sitting underneath it and opted for the Alice in Wonderland themed table instead.  Our waiter was super friendly – he looked like a cross between an Australian surf dude and a Calvin Klein model.  I had to apologise to him for my complete tourist behaviour, I couldn’t stop taking pictures and was just in awe of the place!

After my Chinese egg rolls and Oli’s Greek wrap it was time to leave.  With one more glance around the waiter caught my eye and came bounding over.  He wished us good luck on the rest of our trip and gave me a couple of mementos to remember the place – a wacky pencil and as he said “an all-important lime-green fly swat” complete with restaurant logo and “Savannah GA” on it – what more could a girl ask for?

I thought I found the best place ever to eat, and then literally right next door is a dessert and cocktail bar called “Lulu’s chocolate bar”!  Surely this was a sign we had to go in!  As soon as we stepped in our eyes fell upon the glass cabinet full of delicious-looking mouthwatering cakes and desserts galore!  Being a Sunday it’s still the weekend and as my self-made rule states, we can have desserts on weekends!  I opted for the chocolate-covered strawberries (I considered that the healthier option, with the fruit being one of my five a day!) and Oli the chocolate peanut butter pie.

With a full belly and a chocolate-covered smile on my face I thought to myself “if I lived in Savannah, 606 and Lulu’s would be my regular hangouts!” but I’m not sure I could stick to desserts at weekends only with all that scrumptious temptation!

We left Savannah around 6pm and was originally gonna head towards Charleston.  We were happily driving along listening to Alan Carr’s autobiography when it was interrupted by an announcement on the radio warning of sever thunderstorms that have hit Charleston with hail the size of quarters.  Now I don’t know my quarters from my cents but I’m guessing ice rain of any size is not a good thing and where we wanted to be heading!  So we changed direction and unfortunately had to bypass Charleston as we’re now heading towards Atlanta!

Okay let me the scene for you: it’s pitch black, lightning is lighting up the whole sky, we can hear thunder in the distance but there’s no rain.  We have pulled up at a campsite…it’s in a dark dark wood, there’s more lightning.  The owner is a scary looking man with a bald head, wearing braces, and he has a dog.  He got into a red van which wouldn’t look out of place in a hillbilly hick town and is driving in front of us to show us to our death…I mean bay for the night!  He’s probably very friendly and I’m sure his dog is too but this scene I am finding us in wouldn’t look out of place in a horror film, all the guy needs to do is bang on our door with an axe!  I have just videoed us as this may be the last time we are alive…if so I love you all…!

Until tomorrow!!! (if we get to tomorrow, that is…)


Ps Although all of Oli’s 6’1 frame can easily fit in the big bed he’s not so lucky in the shower – he can’t actually stand up straight…must take a pic to show you – with his clothes on of course!

Pps. I cooked dinner in the Monster tonight, I made toast with peanut butter – oh well not masterchef but have to start somewhere!

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